Jumps with parachuteSky is not so high!

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Registration for TANDEM jumps exceptionally in this website (registration by phone is not possible).





You dream to jump with a parachute and experience unforgettable moments?

Jumps with parachute
Two airplanes
Professional team:
instructors & operators

Since the year 2000, when Siauliai skydiving club was founded, its members, trainers and operators have gained useful experience. For this reason, quality of Siauliai skydiving club services is high. There are two aircrafts in the club: AN-2 and Cessna 182P. Siauliai skydiving club organizes a TANDEM jumps with an instructor, the accelerated freefall (AFF) program. Your jump can be filmed and photographed using a professional video capture tools.

At Siauliai skydiving club you can enjoy the view of landing skydivers, to see how airplanes take-off and lands. The club may be desirable to come with family and friends. You are welcome at the aerodrome, even if you do not intend to make a parachute jump! Visiting Siauliai parachute club can be a fun way to spend time even if you are not planning to jump.

This web page contains information about parachute jumps types, their prices also there are opportunity to purchase a parachute jump coupons and register for the jump.

Usually Siauliai skydiving club is open on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). However, sometimes club is working on Fridays, and if there are larger groups, jumps can be organized and on business day. Registration for the jump at this website (not by phone).

Siauliai skydiving club is located in Joniškio rajoneGataučių seniūnijoje. It is halfway between Šiauliai and Joniškis cities. The official name of the aerodrome – Barysių aerodromas. You will find location and driving directions in our contacts.

Address: Joniskio r. Barysiu k. 8, Lithuania (Barysiai airport (EYSB))
Phine: +370 681 11077
E-mail: info@suoliai.lt
Have questions? Read FAQs

Jumps prices


180 €

  • Jump altitude 3000 meters
  • Jump with an experienced instructor
  • You will experience about 40 seconds of free fall
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Tandem jump + instructor video

215 €

  • Jump altitude 3000 meters
  • Jump with an experienced instructor
  • You will experience about 40 seconds of free fall
  • Jump will be filmed by an operator
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Laukeliai pažymėti * yra privalomi.
Mokėti: 0.00 €

Jump with an instructor (TANDEM) + instructor video

This is the easiest way to make the first parachute jump and feel the thrill of free fall! With An-2 aircraft you will reach 3000 meters altitude. In this altitude you together with your tandem instructor will exit the plane and experience about 35 seconds of free fall. When you reach altitude of 1500 meters instructor will deploy the parachute and about 5 minutes you will fly under canopy till you reach the ground safely. Instructor will make high-quality video of your adventure on the plane and in the air.


Jump with an instructor TANDEM

This is the easiest way to make the first parachute jump and feel the thrill of free fall! With An-2 aircraft you will reach 3000 meters altitude. In this altitude you together with your tandem instructor will exit the plane and experience about 40 seconds of free fall. When you reach altitude of 1500 meters instructor will deploy the parachute and about 5 minutes you will fly under canopy till you reach the ground safely.


Another types of jumps

Siauliai skydiving club organizes jumps for professional skydivers. Skydiver must have a license issued by the Lithuanian Federation of parachuting or similar institution abroad.




Jump count: 2300+
Duties in the club:: Pilot, jump leader, tandem instructor, cameraman, static-line instructor


Jump count: 3200+
Duties in the club: jump leader, tandem instructor, cameraman, static-line instructor

Jump count: 2300+
Duties in the club: jump leader, tandem instructor, cameraman, static-line instructor


Jump count: 2000+
Duties in the club: jump leader, tandem instructor, cameraman, static-line instructor


Jump count: 1300+
Duties in the club: jump leader, tandem instructor, cameraman, static-line instructor


Šuolių skaičius: 500+
Pareigos klube: šuolių vadovas, static-line instruktorius.


Jump count: 900+
TANDEM instructor, camera man


Šuolių skaičius: 3000+
Pareigos klube: tandem instruktorius.


Šuolių skaičius: 100+
Pareigos klube: Senior rigger

Impressive jumps


Šiaulių parašiutininkų klubas (Siauliai skydiving club)

Legal entity code 145622050
Adresas: Barysių aerodromas
IBAN LT82 3500 0100 0139 0992

Phone +370 681 11077
E-mail info@suoliai.lt

Inquiry form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message

    Terms of Services

    • Definitions

    Siauliai parachute club, hereafter referred to as “service provider” is a legal entity with a legal form – an association, legal entity code 145622050, registered address Siauliai city municipality, Siauliai city Vasario 16 th street 40, service address Barysių aerodromas, Joniškio r. sav. Barysių k. 8, Lietuva. The service provider is a member of Lithuanian Parachuting Sport Federation.

    Contact information – service provider’s phone number is +370681 11077, e-mail address info@suoliai.lt, website address www.suoliai.lt, physical place of supply is Barysių aerodromas, Joniškio r. sav. Barysių k. 8, Lietuva. The reference to the physical place of supply is in the map which is presented in www.suoliai.lt

    Service – the service provider organizes jumps with parachute.

    Parachute jumps – it is jump with “Static-line” (square-type, main canopy is deployed automatically, controlled parachute) type parachute or “Tandem” (controlled double-square-type parachute system) parachute jump type with instructor.

    Service place – Barysių aerodromas, Joniškio r. sav. Barysių k. 8, Lietuva.

    Working hours – the warm season (from the beginning of May until the beginning of October) Saturdays and Sundays, unless the service provider publishes different time in website www.suoliai.lt.

    The instructor – a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, in different cases, which gives the right to be the head of jumps, tandem parachute instructor, relevant training programs executor, to pack parachutes, repair parachutes. This term applied depending on the question of the context in which the term is used.

    Parachute system – is the system (equipment), which consists of the main and reserve parachutes, a backpack with the suspension, parachute safety device and other parts of parachute.

    Service prices – jumps with parachute prices which are publicly available in service providers website.

    Restrictions – services provided to persons who do not have physical flaws or health problems, because of which that person cannot be jump with parachute. Also, services are provided to persons who have reached the age of at least 14 years, their weight is not less than 40 kg and not more than 120 kg (in case of Tandem jump – not more than 100 kg). Before purchasing a service, in case of doubt concerning the absence of restrictions, we recommend to contact with service provider and discuss any possible issues.

    • Service acquisition, payment

    Services can be acquired at the place of supply, website www.suoliai.lt also at internet portals, which distributes gift coupons of the service provider.

    At the place of supply for the services can be paid in cash or by credit or debit bank card. Law required accounting documents are given when it is paid in cash.

    Law required accounting documents are given when it is paid in cash, as well as given a special form of an invitation to make a parachute jump. At the place of supply it is necessary to submit a coupon, which is not refundable.

    At the website www.suoliai.lt services are acquired by paying with electronic banking support.

    By purchasing services on the website www.suoliai.lt is necessary to submit e-mail address. After payment, you will get a coupon with a unique number which is a document confirming the purchase of services. Only this coupon with a unique number (document) shows the right to use acquired services. At the place of supply it is necessary to give the coupon which was sent by e-mail you submitted.

    Gift coupons of the service provider can be purchased in other internet portals by the the terms they define.

    In all cases the coupon must be used at the place of supply at the service provider working hours in one year from the date of purchase coupon. In case you don’t use the coupon in one year, you can extend it in Siauliai skydiving club website www.suoliai.lt for 50 percent of the original price. These conditions apply only to the customers who bought the coupon at the Siauliai skydiving club website www.suoliai.lt

    In case the coupon won’t be used by the Terms of Service and Rules, the money for the service will not be returned, and the service will not be granted.

    • Terms of Service

    Before the intention to use the service, you need to register by phone +370 681 11077 or e-mail info@suoliai.lt. During registration you will arrange date and time of services supply also you will discuss any other issues of concern.

    To the place of supply you must arrive on time.

    Service procedure will be explained at briefing at the place of supply.

    Absolutely no alcohol and/or drugs 24 hours before services. Services for intoxicated persons will not be granted and the money will not be returned.

    At the place of supply, the person who intends to use the service must submit an identity document.

    Before the service you will need to sign the documents submitted by the service provider – health status declaration, documents about briefing.

    After the services are provided the person will be awarded with diploma of the first jump with parachute. The diploma confirms the fact of the jump with a parachute.

    • Membership All participants becomes members of Siauliai skydiving club according to the Statute of Siauliai skydiving club and decisions made by the General Meeting of Siauliai skydiving club. Part of contributions paid by customer will be divided in to two parts – membership fee and payment for service as described in Statute of Siauliai skydiving club and decisions of General Meeting.Other service-related issues are discussed in the website www.suoliai.lt column FAQ (frequently asked questions). For any questions you may also contact the club by calling +370 681 11077 or e-mail info@suoliai.lt.

    Your email address